And we are back..welcome..

It seem’s that a break from blogging was good, I think sometimes people can force photos rather that waiting for that great moment where you encapsulate a feeling or scene perfectly. The more I investigate the history of photography the more I feel myself being drawn to certain photographers and styles.. Tony Ray Jones was in my ways brilliant and his technique was basically to put across the the humour of a scene or the feeling / tone of a moment.

Alot of the time its hard to capture a true candid unforced moment of humour especially when your trying not to draw attention to yourself (as this tends to counter the whole process)

Below is my favourite Tony Ray Jones picture

Another  photographer is Bob Gruen famous most for capturing any rock and roll pictures from the 70’s and 80’s, for him focus and depth of field etc weren’t the main objective more so the moment.. As yet I haven’t pulled this one off but im working on it.

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